DATA DIRECTORY                     Permssn
These files are facsimiles of permissions given for source materials used in compiling the map and distributing the software.

arcexpl.gif       Permission from Environmental Research Institute, Inc to distribute 
                                  the ArcExplorer software.; GIF format

arcexpl.tif          Permission from Environmental Research Institute, Inc to distribute 
                                  the ArcExplorer software.; TIFF format 

attach_b.txt       License agreement with Environmental Systems Research
                                 Institute, Inc.; dos text format

attach_b.mac     License agreement with Environmental Systems Research
                                 Institute, Inc.; macintosh text format

attach_b.iso        License agreement with Environmental Systems Research
                                 Institute, Inc.;  UNIX text format

cgmw.gif             Permission from the Commission for the Geological Map 
                                 of the World (CGMW); gif format

cgmw.tif             Permission from the Commission for the Geological Map
                                of the World (CGMW); tiff format

pidc.gif               Permission from Petroconsultants International Data Corp.;
                                gif format

pidc.tif               Permission from Petroconsultants International Data Corp.;
                                tiff format

unesco.gif         Permission from the United Nations Educational, Scientific
                               and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); gif format

unesco.tif       Permission from the United Nations Educational, Scientific
                               and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); tiff format

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